Tag Archives: pride

The Happiness Project: Having a Conversation

C had his first day of 5th grade yesterday and things went really well. His homework assignment was to get 3 things from home that help explain who you are and bring them in today.

Now…  I think I’ve explained this before but C is on the Autism Spectrum, he has a language processing disorder, ADHD, ect. He’s in an inclusion classroom but gets pulled out for help in certain areas.

After I explained his homework assignment, he went off to his room to collect a few things and came out with, 1. a picture of him with his siblings, 2. his medal from Special Olympics, and 3. his favorite toy car. Then he EXPLAINED to me why he picked out each things. After I picked my chin up off the floor I told him he picked out great things. THEN… we had a 10 minute conversation about Special Olympics and how much he enjoyed it, how he wants to do it again, he REMEMBERED his teachers name from last year and who all his friends were in his class this year.

I have to admit, after he went back to his room to watch a movie I went to the bathroom and cried for a minute. More and more often we see these glimpses of C that are absolutely spectacular. It makes me proud be to his step-mom.

For more happy, go to:
